Wheelchair Transportation

Wheelchair Transportation

When a person is in a situation where they’re dealing with a mobility issue, particularly one that may be temporary, and they have to use a wheelchair, they may naturally not have the right cars to get around. It can become a very uncomfortable and challenging situation, not to mention dangerous. Not every single Uber in the city is going to know how to help you get into a vehicle and take you where you need to be. Our team, on the other hand, is staffed with capable professionals who are experts in wheelchair transportation. We also have vehicles that are able to facilitate this transportation.


Why it Makes Sense to Book Our Services

Our services are going to make any unwanted accidents or incidents of any kind less likely. You don’t have to take a hard fall for your trip to the doctor to end up being rather costly. Just having to go through an uncomfortable situation can have lasting effects, particularly with pain and things of that nature. What we always tell people is that it never hurts to be as safe as you can be. The potential consequences of an accident due to mismanagement of wheelchair transportation can be severe. 


Temporary Wheelchair Use: Run the Numbers

People who are only going to be in a wheelchair for potentially a limited amount of time may not benefit from trying to make their home fully accessible or buying a vehicle that’s going to allow them to make trips to and from the doctor safely. It’s not because they won’t benefit in the moment, but it may not make financial sense long term. We can be a perfect solution for those people who are going to need a couple of rides over a set of months. Run the numbers. Our services could make way more sense financially than making major adjustments to your current situation.


On-Time Every Time     

We may be overstating this a bit because there have been situations where we just can’t get there on time. Traffic can get unpredictable, or there unfortunately can be accidents and things of that nature that we encounter just like anyone on the road. What we do want to make sure that we do is provide a pickup time that’s going to give us the best chance to get to your appointments early. Sitting in a waiting room can be uncomfortable, but it’s better than getting skipped over or having the appointment canceled.


Give Us a Call to See If The Service Fits Your Needs

We know that wheelchair transportation can be a challenging situation. At times, we’ve encountered folks who know the way that they like things done, and they’re very particular about the entire process. If you’re like that and you want to know if our services are going to meet your standards, we encourage you to give us a call or contact us. That’s going to be the only way that we’ll be able to let you know what we may be able to do for you!

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