About Our Team

We started providing our services because we realized that there was a clear need for them that wasn’t being filled. Unfortunately, many people still don’t know that they can access our services, but we’re hoping that this is something that we can change in the very near future. Just because you’re not facing a medical emergency, that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to benefit from specialized medical transportation. Our goal is not only to help people who truly can’t get to the doctor’s office any other way but also to help others understand that they, too, can benefit from our services. Just because you can make it onto the vehicle and endure the ride to where you need to be doesn’t mean that it’s the best alternative for you.


What we want to be able to do is provide safe transport, but that’s just part of what we bring to the table. Another key element is helping people get their insurance company to cover our services. That goes for external insurance companies as well as Medicare and Medicaid. We try our hardest to ensure that people can be covered for the services that we provide for them. That’s not something that’s easy to find in the medical world. Our whole reason for being as a company is to care for others. We’re always looking for better ways to enhance the services that we provide. On top of that, devising strategies to make sure that your insurance company pays for our services!

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