Medical Taxi

Medical Taxi

Our services, in general terms, are medical taxis. What we want to do on this page is talk more about exactly how we provide these services. This can give you a better sense of what to expect from us. It can also help you decipher if this particular service is for you. There are people who may have to head to the doctor’s office for visits during some type of rehabilitation or help with a longer-term condition. However, they may be able to get in a car without too much trouble. If that’s the case, then maybe they can just call a regular cab. That won’t be the case for everyone, though.   


Who Do Our Services Benefit Most

People who are in a wheelchair or have mobility issues and find it hard to enter and exit vehicles are going to benefit a ton from our services. If you still have stitches or you’re just hurting after surgery and too much movement is going to be an issue for you, you will definitely benefit from our services. Sometimes, we don’t talk about the family members of people who are going through something enough. They’ll have peace of mind that you just won’t get if you’re the one completely in charge of a person who you know is in pain.


Dangers of Making the Trip on a Regular Vehicle

There’s always going to be a bigger risk of taking a fall while trying to enter or exit a vehicle. When you’re in a situation where your mobility is limited, that’s obviously the last thing that you want. Sometimes, even the seats are not wide enough for people who are in certain types of pain to feel comfortable. This can become a real issue when the journey to and from the doctor’s office is a long one. 


How to Book a Service

It’s all going to start with that first call that you make to us. We can answer all of the questions that you may have regarding insurance coverage. Many people are, in fact, going to be able to access our services “for free” if we can get their insurance to cover the bill. As far as scheduling goes, that’s obviously another key element that we can go over. Ideally, it’s best that you give us a call ahead of time when you get the appointment so that we can schedule the service on our end and ensure we can provide it. If you’re on short notice, you can still make the call, and we’ll do our best to see how we can help!


Recurring Help From Our Staff 

Do you have multiple appointments that you’re going to need to get to, and you want our help with all of them? We highly recommend that you book your service as much in advance as you can. That’s going to allow us to ensure that we’ll have a vehicle ready for you that’s going to be on time to and from your destination.

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